Spring 2023


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Spring 2023

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Bringing it through a reconfiguration, cleanup for a new season of exploration... A visit to Death Valley by Van spiritually influenced the generation of "...half past Badwater" and "Floating Stones". "The 65" and "Right Turn at Buffalo Cloud Galaxy" celebrate Bernie's Birthday.

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  1. 1
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    The Clearing (40223.1aT)

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    Plateau Patrol (40223.1Tb)

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    autonomy,elevation, and spin (40223.2T)

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  4. 4
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    ...half past Badwater (50723.1T)

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  5. 5
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    Floating Stones (50723.2T)

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    The 65 (52123.1T)

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  7. 7
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    Right Turn at Buffalo Cloud Galaxy (52123.2T)

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  8. 8
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    Satellite Repair (60423.1T)

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  9. 9
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    Pause for the Cosmos (6423.2T)

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